Dead is Just a Four Letter Word
"In December of 1984 I killed myself... I wanted the peace of death. I wanted it now. My life was a trail of broken lives and promises not kept. I was so dark with the pain in my heart and spirit...On a Friday night I put together the things I needed, wrote the required note that told everyone I could think of that they were not guilty of my leaving, took the mixture that killed me...Then I died"...
"OK, if you were dead, how did you know you were dead?"
The answer to that is what I have been trying to share with each person I think this experience might help. It is, perhaps, the most important point of this story. I did not "die". You will not die. My body was dead. "I" was still alive.
Life is forever. Life is for Living. Living is for Loving. D. S. Weiler
Quoted in "Evidence of the Afterlife" by Dr. Jeffrey Long.
NYT - "Evidence of the Afterlife" by Jeffrey Long with Paul Perry. A radiation oncologist's study of accounts of near-death experiences." A New York Times best seller for hard cover non-fiction in 2010.
pg 2 - "I was at peace with myself. Nothing hurt. I could only see my life and self through that Being's Love. There was no negative in myself or from that Being for anything I had done, including killing myself. It (my suicide) was changed by the power of the Truth of Love with which it was seen. That Loving Grace, total acceptance, complete love and truth created a joy in me. I saw that love was in me, too, not just from the Being shining down on me, it was in me as part of myself. I was full of love and peace...."
First Reviews for Dead is Just a Four Letter Word
A must read - April 10, 2009 - gisl (usa): Wonderful heartfelt book. Couldn't put it down. One woman's journey ... after experiencing a Near Death Experience. Her story has a profound message of unconditional love available to all and that no matter how difficult one may think of this life or of little value one has as a human being... Gives hope for those who have lost a loved one or (who) is fearful of death...Highly recommended for anyone seeking to know what might happen after we die...
Truly Inspirational - May 23, 2009 - By V. Arauz "vivian" (miami):
This is a truly inspirational book for anyone who has lost a loved one and is grieving. It will provide confirmation that we do not die, our spirit lives on and we will meet again in love. A must read
Easy Read that makes you feel wonderful! - January 10, 2010 - By K. Johnson, (North Carolina): This is a very well written "from the heart" book. I love how the author writes as if she is just talking to you. I felt as if she was in my living room sharing her story with me. It is clear that the event that she writes about was a life changing experience....If you know anyone that has suffered a loss or has had a family member that committed suicide, this book is one that you would want to share with them. I'm glad she decided to share this in a book for all to read. The message is one that uplifts and makes you feel good. If you have felt "bad", "unworthy" or even "not fit to be alive"...You will be pleasantly surprised by the words offered in this book.